A Journey Worth Taking

  • a woman looking at her phone, smiling

A Journey Worth Taking

We know sustainability represents much more than just reducing, reusing, and recycling. It starts with a mindset, is carried forward with action, and reinforced through transparency, accountability, and responsibility.

While science will lead the way to a more sustainable future, we must first work together to take measured steps towards meaningful behavior change. Collectively, the corporate world has the power to make our planet more sustainable and therefore has a responsibility to pursue environmental stewardship. By learning from experts, raising awareness and sharing best practices, we can ensure all business functions and actions consider sustainability equally and thus make the impactful changes necessary to reduce our carbon footprint.

Through the products, services, and measurements it employs, Synergy is determined to do its part to contribute to the collective education and behaviors that better our environment. We believe the path to sustainability is as much about the journey as the destination. Join us, as we embark on a measured approach to ensure the changes we make have a global and local impact, are purposeful, and support our goal of being carbon neutral by 2030.

What We’re Doing to Reduce Our Environmental Impact

Transforming Business
Transforming Business
Introduced SynergySMART app worldwide for apartment inspections saving 180,000 sheets of paper annually
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Plastic Free
Transitioning from single-use plastic water bottles to sustainable options like glass carafes and boxed water, saving 120,000 bottles annually
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Remote Work
Reduced our carbon footprint by expanding our remote work policy, decreasing the commute burden on employees
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Travel Policies
Instituted business travel policies with minimum distance requirements, prioritization of purpose, and minimize quantity of trips per associate
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Food Waste
Replaced 30% of food waste generated from unused welcome food packs with meal and grocery delivery vouchers
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Evolving Ethos
"Little Things Matter" internal training initiative, developed to educate team members about Synergy’s sustainability goals and the positive impact every individual can make
informed choice
Informed Choice
Created a “GreenLeaf” program to measure the environmental efficacy of our apartments to give travelers insight into sustainable accommodation options
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Forest Recovery
Synergy is deeply committed to sustainability and proudly partners with “Just One Tree” to plant a tree for every employee and new hire in our company.
  • Greenfeet charts and graphs
    Track & Measure

    Critical to meeting our carbon neutral goal is understanding the areas in which we need to improve. Through a partnership with leading-edge sustainability software company GreenFeet, we’re able to measure, track, and calculate our carbon emissions.

    Synergy’s sustainability goals include:

    • Quarterly emissions measurement and tracking
    • Annual reporting of GHG emissions
    • Maintaining transparency and accountability
    • Aligning to SBTI (Science Based Targets Initiative)
  • a windfarm

    Through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Synergy is committed to publicly declaring our target and commitment to reduce emissions worldwide. Science-based targets

  • Industry Stewardship
    Industry Stewardship

    Synergy is an active, leader in the business travel and global mobility industries’ approach to sustainability. Team members sit on the sustainability committees of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), Association Serviced Apartment Providers (ASAP), and Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA).

Callout Banner Icon
Synergy is committed to be a carbon neutral organization by 2030

Good for the environment, Good for our partners

  • Green Leaf Program

Good for the environment, Good for our partners

As an environmentally conscious housing partner, you’ll be able to elevate your ranking with guests and corporate clients who seek to align themselves with eco-friendly providers.

The Green Leaf program incentivizes continuous improvement by providing a clear roadmap for our suppliers to enhance their sustainability performance and climb the Green Leaf ranking ladder. Not only will you be saving the planet, but it makes good business sense too!

Making Informed Choices

  • Green Leaf Property Profile

Making Informed Choices

We believe guests deserve to know the environmental impact of their accommodation choices. That’s why we offer detailed information on each apartment’s sustainability measures and emissions through a 3-tiered ranking program.

Clients and guests are empowered to witness the direct impact of their decisions and make choices aligned with their values. Whether it’s energy efficiency, waste reduction, or other eco-friendly measures, our rankings provide clear insights for informed decision-making. Transparency is fundamental to our ethos.

With the Green Leaf program, Synergy is leading the way towards a more sustainable future.

“We recognize the need to update our sustainability policies and practices on a global scale to ensure we have the biggest impact possible while supporting our peers and the overall industry. It’s culture. It’s behavior. It’s passion. But most importantly, it’s necessary.”

– Debra Christopher, President